Baked Sweet Potato Wedges Recipe

Whole Food Plant Based Recipes

Sun Apr 19, 2020

Oil-free Vegan Sweet Potato Wedges Recipes

These wedges are packed with flavour and perhaps the tastiest way of eating this extremely nutritious tuber.

Looking for a yummy yet healthy snack? Or maybe a side dish that's different from what you usually make? Look no further, Baked Sweet Potato Wedges are here and here to stay. These wedges are packed with flavour and perhaps the tastiest way of eating this extremely nutritious tuber.

Enjoy this whole food plant based baked sweet potato wedges and let us know if you want more recipes like these!

Whole Food Plant Based Baked Sweet Potato Wedges Recipe

Course: Course 2: Vegetable Dish for Lunch & Dinner Meals, Snack
Cuisine: Indian Fast Food Recipe
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes
Servings: 4 people


1/2 kg Sweet Potato
1 tsp Turmeric Powder
1 tsp Black Pepper Powder
1 tsp Red Chili Powder
4 tsp Miso Paste (Healthy Salt Alternative. See Nutrition Science Highlights below)
2 tsp Coriander Leaves


  1. Wash and chop sweet potato into 1 inch thick slices, then chop each slice into 4 wedges. Steam for five minutes to half cook sweet potato wedges.
  2. Mix turmeric powder, black pepper powder, red chili powder, and miso paste into a paste. Spread over each half cooked sweet potato wedge.
  3. Line a baking tray with unbleached parchment paper or silicone sheet. Arrange spiced sweet potato wedges on the tray without letting them touch each other.
  4. Bake at 160 deg C for 15 minutes or so until fully cooked.
  5. Remove from oven and wait until they cool down fully. Garnish with fresh coriander leaves and serve!

Plant Based Chef Pro Tips for Best Baked Sweet Potato Wedges Recipe

  1. Keep freshly chopped sweet potato wedges immersed in water until baking, to prevent browning.

Nutrition Science Highlights for WFPB Baked Sweet Potato Wedges Recipe

  1. Why Miso Paste? Miso paste is fermented & salted soya bean paste. American Heart Association Maximum recommended maximum daily salt intake of 3.75 grams per person to minimise risk of high blood pressure, stomach cancer and chronic kidney disease. In addition to helping us restrict salt intake, replacing salt with miso paste also helps by neutralising the negative effects of salt by soya phytonutrients. You can easily make fresh miso paste at home by mixing 100 grams of cooked soya paste with 10 grams of salt, or 10 tablespoons of cooked soya paste with 1 tablespoon of salt. If making at home, ensure to use immediately, or freeze in batches to use later. Or, simply use 3.75 grams of salt or less per day per person and add 18 to 20 grams (dry weight) of soya beans in any dishes, spread through the day!
  2. Why not frying? Oil is a processed food, even if it is cold pressed oil. In whole nuts, the calories from the oil are balanced out with the fiber and nutrients in the nut. For example, peanuts are healthier than peanut oil, sesame seeds are healthier than sesame oil. Hence, a healthy diet excludes oil and includes whole nuts. We can easily achieve a 'fried' effect of different recipes by baking the same dishes instead, like this one!
  3. What's wrong with baking? The brown color we get on baking whole grains, tubers, legumes, or nuts is due to the formation of carcinogenic AGE compounds. We can eliminate the formation of these compounds by baking at or below 120 deg C. Up to 160 deg C, the formation of AGEs slower rises, and after that, rises exponentially. It can also be reduces by adding spices and herbs, and in case of breads and cakes, cutting off the crust before serving.
  4. Why wait until starchy vegetables are cool? When cooked starchy vegetables are allowed to cool on the counter or in the fridge, the starch crystallises to form resistant starch. This can be eaten by our good gut bacteria and also reduces the glycemic index (the rate at which glucose is absorbed), making the starchy vegetable healthier.

Dr Achyuthan Eswar
Lifestyle Physician & Co-founder,, PHC Lifestyle Clinic & Plant-based Kitchen


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